I have tried to make a mental note of where I am whenever I get French Toast but this time I’ve completely forgot this place’s name and location. It also doesn’t help that I got it in the Ferry St. area in Jordan… Let me explain.
I used to live in this area with about 8 high rise blocks, and at the ground level there is a mix of supermarkets, mechanic shops, taxi garage, and restaurants. Lots of restaurants. On the ground level of almost every building there is a restaurant. There are tea restaurants supported by the endless supply of construction workers working on the Kowloon High Speed rail station, there are dimsum places, seafood banquet restaurants, two Vietnamese restaurants, a wine bar, an oyster bar that I think I’m probably confusing with the wine bar, definitely a place that sells oysters in bulk, an Indian restaurant, a couple cart noodle shops, a fantastic Bánh mì shop (Tim Kee) where they only serve one thing, a chicken hot pot place, a Turkish place, a Korean place… and that’s just the ones I can remember… so you see, with the large number of places I could have possibly had this unremarkable French Toast, it’s no surprise I can’t find it again without poring over a list of restaurants.
I do recommend you visit the area for a meal, you’ll be spoiled for choice and you won’t be going that far out of your way if you were visiting Temple St.

As for the French Toast, it was… forgettable. Soggy with not-enough filling, and not-enough syrup. And apparently ordering French Toast for lunch is out of the ordinary, one of the waitresses yelled in surprise that someone ordered French Toast for lunch.